Special Session


Board of Education

Special Session

Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 4:00 pm

Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/gwf-omzs-npw

Phone: (US) +1 650-761-2924 PIN: 350 917 593#

Embassy Suites Anchorage


Mission Statement

Achieving excellence by nurturing the whole student in a culturally based learning community that is safe and supportive.


Itaghnaghqengaquqamalka neghqelluku lingunaan taghnughhag nangaghellemnneng

ilatngalghiimeng nunami yakughniilngughmikayutetuqamillu.


Sawiluataalutin siulailui ilugnaita ilisaatuat inuunialaptikun ililutin nunaaqimiknin



FY25 Board Members

Willow Olson, Chair                                                               Aaron Iworrigan

Annie Weyiouanna, 1st Chair                                                Milton Cheemuk

Silas Paniptchuk, 2nd Chair                                                   Stanley Tocktoo

Irene Navarro, Treasurer                                                       Patrick Reynolds

Edward Jackson, Secretary                                                   Richard Elachik Sr.

Jane Kava, Parliamentarian


The Bering Strait School District Board of Education is scheduled to meet on Thursday, March 13, 2025 for a Special Session. It will be held at Embassy Suites in Anchorage and via Google Meet at 4:00pm. The public is invited to attend.


Tentative agenda items include, but are not limited to:


1.     Call to Order

2.     Roll Call

3.     Establishment of Quorum

4.     Adoption of Agenda

5.     Public Comment (Action Input Only)

6.     Action Items

A. St. Michael DDC Upgrade

B. FY26 School Calendar

7.     Adjournment


Superintendent Tammy Dodd